Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Power of the Freebie

J. W. Wrigley, the chewing gum king is reported to have said:
"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The problem is

I don't know which half."

You too could be wasting half the money you spend on advertising if you dont do these three things:

1.Switch from brand name or prestige advertising to direct response.
2.Code all your advertisements.
3.Ask every telephone inquirer where they saw your advertisement.

Heres an example of a direct response advertisement Mr. Wrigley could have used:

Spearmint or Juicy Fruit??/p>

Which Wrigley's Chewing Gum Flavor Do You Prefer?
Get a Free Sample Pack Containing Both Flavors!

All you have to do is fill in your name and address on this coupon.
Mail today and receive a Free Sample Pack and a Discount Coupon for 10% off your next purchase.

Your Name............................................... ?M/F

Mail to: J. W. Wrigley Co. Dept, NE/7/6. Address......................................

Note: Dept. NE/7/6 is a simple code meaning the advertisement appeared in the National Enquirer.July 2006

Here's another example:

A friend owns a big real estate office. He had a full page advertisement in the Yellow Pages?that cost him nearly $1,500 a month. The name of his agency was in big type at the top, followed by a photo of his office building and a bulleted list of services.

"Does the ad pay for itself?" I asked.

"No," he replied. "It brought us just one new client last year. The only reason we are in there is because all our competitors are."

"Here's how to cut that advertising bill by 90% every month, "I said, "and get a list of hot prospects. Simply cut your ad to a 2.5?x 2 column display box. Use a bold headline to advertise a freebie." Example:

Free Report Reveals Secrets of
How to Sell Your Home in 30 Days
or Less for Top Dollar!

Call 000-000-0000 Today. Ext 1.

24-Hour Automatic Phone Recording Service.
Phone any time. Speak slowly. Leave your name
and address and we will mail your free report.
Limited supply. Call now: 000-000-0000 Ext 1.

Real Estate Company Name, address and phone.

Note: Its best to advertise a 24-hour phone recording service because some people are not ready to listen to a sales pitch.

Note: Extension 1?is simply the advertisement source code.

Note: White space is money wasted.. The media sales person may tell you a good advertisement should have at least 25% of white space. But the rep has a monetary interest in selling you big spaces. The truth is that white space never sold anything to anybody. If the prospect is interested, he or she will read the ad, even if it is tightly crammed with smallest print.

You can use this kind of direct response ad for virtually any type of service business. Use a bold headline to say something like:

"Free Report Reveals 10 Tips on How to__________________"

Not only will you soon discover the best media to advertise in; you'll also get the names and addresses of hot prospects to follow up. The freebie can consist of one or two pages of bulleted tips and information. You never give the farm away. Suggest they contact you for additional informationand be sure to give them

two or three good reasons why they should do so immediately. Try it. It works!

Extracted from "Copywriting Secrets Revealed." Send a blank e-mail for more free tips and info. Subject Copywriting and your first name. Mail to:

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