
Monday, July 14, 2008

Broadband - Our Survey Said

A recent survey - carried out by a popular broadband advice site - focused on what consumers may want from a next-generation broadband connection. The results showed that net users identified the ability to download high-quality films as quickly as possible as the service that they want most out of next-generation services.

Over 61% of those surveyed rated downloading DVD-quality films as the service that would be considered the most interesting when it came to next-generation broadband. Some 18% of users said they downloaded films, although it was the area of online activity that had the least time dedicated to it.

Of those questioned in the survey, a number of services that would be welcomed as a result of next-generation broadband were identified as a result, including:

  • Downloading DVD-quality films in 5 minutes

  • Downloading HDTV programmes on demand

  • Video conferencing with friends and family using VoIP software

  • Home surveillance via broadband

  • High definition gaming services

The survey comes about at a time when the future in the UK is still very much under discussion, with a summit on the subject taking place recently to discuss the issues of getting the UK broadband up to speed with the rest of the world.

In countries like South Korea, around 90% of homes can get cheap connections between 50 and 100Mbps, with online gaming providing one of the biggest drives for such a service. It is unlikely that gaming could drive the UK broadband market, although the services identified in the survey could help drive the demand for faster connection.

Unusually, the applications that attracted the most interest in the idea of next-generation broadband were also identified as those that had the least online time spent on them. It is hoped that the demand for high-definition television and video will drive services in the UK market, helping to justify the need to upgrade existing networks and install new fibre networks - capable of delivering speeds of up to 100Mbps.

There is uncertainty, however, as to the cost of rolling out such a service, along with the issue of pricing - with 60% responding either 'no' or 'don't know' when asked about paying for such services.

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How To Install Cable Broadband

As soon as people subscribe to Internet service providers, the next step is to find out how to install cable broadband modems on their computer. Unlike the early dial-up modems, people will find that there may be another device that they would need in the form of network adapters to which broadband Internet will use as the medium to provide fast Internet connection interface. Broadband network companies such as Japan cable broadband and ATT broadband are sure to have this up in their site prior to actual installation of that much longed for cable broadband connection. Moreover, some internet providers will install the cable broadband for you, so wondering how to install cable broadband will not be an issue.

Many of the people today have preference for such Internet services for the fact that speed and faster connections to the web is evident. Apparently, most people would be wondering how does cable broadband work and how to install cable broadband on their computer. Well it goes by different ways and will depend on the computer in use, a desktop or a laptop, learning how does cable broadband work will help you learn how to install it.

For a desktop, there are usually slots allocated for network interface cards, assuming that there none included. In the same way, laptops would have to make do with external interface devices as well, especially if they don't have any network adapter present. But ideally, these interface options are only issues for older computers. Normally, current desktops automatically have them and hence makes it lesser of a problem when the need for answering the problem of how to install cable broadband would come into their minds.

It is apparent that this concern on how to install cable broadband would be there immediate concern. Remember, not all people are pretty much adept with the technicalities involved in the computer technology field today. Most may not even be able to spot these devices if present. That is why through knowing about the installation process through cable broadband providers such as ATT broadband, the need to provide FAQ's and assistance to make sure that they are aware of what needs to be addressed first, is always given through phone or websites. You can read more free advice on broadband at TheBroadbandGuides.

Once they understand the whole methodology, people will be surprised at the ease of knowing how to install cable broadband today. Some may not even bother to read them on sites for the reason that they are logically aware that this interface is needed to enjoy that fast cable broadband Internet connection they are longing to have.

With that said the only hard part about understanding how to install cable broadband really comes out in the initial phase. After learning and seeing how there are actually done, people will then be the next in line to explain to their friends and peers on how to install cable broadband and enjoy faster Internet connections services from thereon.

Article by Betty Hope at For more great free information on everything you should know about broadband visit internet broadband provider and AT&T broadband

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